Perthshire mums emphasise importance of Active Kids Adventure Park refurbishments

Active Kids adventure play centre recently announced an extensive refurbishment programme to create an “exceptional” play facility for families and parents have been quick to support and enthuse about the enhancements.

Already a popular outdoor play centre in the area, Active Kids Adventure Park is re-developing its indoor spaces to create an all-year-round adventure experience for children in Perthshire.

The plans to redevelop and expand the indoor areas will provide a welcome option for many families looking for indoor activities during the colder months and many parents have voiced their excitement about the refurbishments both on social media and when visiting the park.

Lucy Armstrong, a mum-of-two from Auchterarder, is a regular visitor to Active Kids and believes the refurbishment programme is really significant for young families. She said:

“With two young daughters, we are always looking for fun places to take them where there’s plenty space for them to run around, play and explore. Active Kids is great for all these things, so we come here a lot. We’re looking forward to being able to visit even more once the refurbishment is complete next year. You can’t underestimate the value of places like Active Kids for young families. This is sure to be welcomed by many families in the area.”

Another mum, Kylie Jones from Perth, is looking forward to being able to utilise the indoor facilities more often and meeting friends while the children play. She said:

“My children would spend all day every day outside and it is great to offer them lots of opportunities to run, climb and explore like Active Kids offers. I find Active Kids a great place to meet friends and let the children run off energy, sometimes you even get time for a cuppa and a chat! I’m really looking forward to exploring the new indoor facilities when they open.”

The refurbishment programme includes a new indoor play area for children of all ages, a brand-new larger café, the introduction of two indoor party rooms, a new toy shop as well as an outdoor south facing terrace as part of the new café.

The project, which is already underway is set to be completed by the end of the year with the park fully re-opening in early 2023.