A grand day out for all ages of kids

“It never feels like one of them is missing out at Active Kids”

As many families with young children know, planning a day out to suit everyone can be a challenge. It can be particularly tough striking the right balance when you have children at different stages.

For Loren and David Long from Auchterarder, along with their two children, Daisy (4) and Jude (2), Active Kids is able to offer that balance… and lots of coffee!

“With a pre-schooler and toddler, it can be difficult finding somewhere to go for the day that both Daisy and Jude can enjoy,” says Loren. “They’re at such different ages. The good thing about Active Kids is there’s plenty for Jude to do too, being a bit younger he just loves toddling about and exploring. It never feels like one of them is missing out.”

When the Longs first discovered Active Kids, they didn’t know how much there was for the kids to do there. “It’s such a great open space and the big jelly pillows are always a huge hit, especially with Daisy. We tend to let her run free and let her take the lead on what she wants to do, and she pretty much goes on everything. She loves anywhere she can climb and loves trampolines.”

It sounds like Jude is adept at seeking out things for him to do too. “He finds the slides that are a good size for him,” says Loren. “The smaller slides that are built into the hillside are the ones he tends to go on and he likes the farm animals too.”

And, in typical Dad-style, David has a ball when he’s visiting too. “I send David up to go on the slides and explore the Pirate Ship with the kids,” says Loren. “He loves it, he’s a big kid when he’s there!”

For the parents, a coffee is a must and a bit of an incentive. “That would be David’s persuading factor, if he could get a coffee. To be fair, a coffee is a bit of a dealbreaker for me too, but there’s plenty to keep us going when we’re in the park.”

The Longs are looking forward to trying out the newly refurbished indoor spaces that are due to open early next year. “At the moment, it’s a great place to go all day if you know it’s going to be nice day weather wise. A big advantage of the new indoor spaces is that during the winter when you’re stuck for stuff to do, you know you’re not going to have to watch the weather when you visit. It’s going to make such a big difference to families like us with young kids.”